
  • Can i have more than one account?
    Yes of course you can. You are free to have several under the following conditions. There is a maximum of 5 accounts Signing up for new accounts to avoid fees will get all accounts blocked. If the net value of… Read More
  • Item Conditions
    When listing items you can select from a variety of product conditions to help a buyer understand the general condition of the item. New : Brand new in a box or original retail packaging and or tags. New no Tags:… Read More
  • What does it mean when there is both a bidding and Buy it now option?
    You can place a bid and compete in the auction or if you don’t want to wait or risk missing out on an item use Buy it now to purchase the item immediately, before bidding starts.
  • What is an Auction ?
    An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. The open ascending price auction is arguably the most common form… Read More

Copyright, Legal and Digital Files

  • Public Domain Content
    Auctionit allows the resale of public domain content. But there are a few stipulations: You must make it clear in your listing that the item is public domain (if it is burned to a CD or DVD make sure you… Read More
  • Copyright Infringement Digital Delivery
    To sell a digital delivery item on auction it you must either be the original content creator, or Have re-seller rights to the item. Its pretty simple and if you want to sell digital content there are plenty of sites… Read More

Fees and Billing

  • Can i have more than one account?
    Yes of course you can. You are free to have several under the following conditions. There is a maximum of 5 accounts Signing up for new accounts to avoid fees will get all accounts blocked. If the net value of… Read More
  • Site Fees
    Want to see how much it will cost to buy and sell on ? The table below gives a transparent view of our fees, i think you will see we have one of the best value (if not the… Read More


  • Can i have more than one account?
    Yes of course you can. You are free to have several under the following conditions. There is a maximum of 5 accounts Signing up for new accounts to avoid fees will get all accounts blocked. If the net value of… Read More
  • Item Conditions
    When listing items you can select from a variety of product conditions to help a buyer understand the general condition of the item. New : Brand new in a box or original retail packaging and or tags. New no Tags:… Read More
  • Registration
    To register as a new user, click on Register at the top of the window. You will be asked for your name, a username and password, and contact information, including your email address. You must be at least 18 years of… Read More
  • What payment methods can be used to buy and sell on auction It ?
    Sellers have the flexibility to select from a diverse array of payment gateways for their transactions, catering to a broad range of preferences and accessibilities. Although not all sellers or buyers may have access to every system listed, the site… Read More
  • What is the feedback policy?
    Feedback policys are there to help buyers and sellers find a high quality person to trade with, with that in mind the following bullet points are inportant to remember:   Your feedback is for your experience with the buyer/seller not… Read More

Managing your Account

  • Registration
    To register as a new user, click on Register at the top of the window. You will be asked for your name, a username and password, and contact information, including your email address. You must be at least 18 years of… Read More

Non English Support

Podpora pro České Uživatele

  • Zásady Hodnocení pro Kupující a Prodejce
    Zásady hodnocení jsou zavedeny s cílem podpořit důvěryhodné a kvalitní obchodní prostředí na naší platformě. Pomáhají jak kupujícím, tak prodejcům identifikovat spolehlivé obchodní partnery na základě skutečných zkušeností. Aby bylo zajištěno, že hodnocení zůstane spolehlivým ukazatelem a aby se předešlo… Read More
  • Nabídka Platebních Bran pro Prodejce a Kupující
    Prodejci mají možnost výběru z různorodé škály platebních bran k realizaci transakcí, což odpovídá široké škále preferencí a dostupnosti. Ačkoli nemusí mít všichni prodejci či kupující přístup ke každému uvedenému systému, web je navržen tak, aby podporoval různé metody transakcí,… Read More
  • Co je to možnost “Udělat doporučené”” na stránce Prodej?
    Možnost “Udělat doporučené” dostupná na stránce Prodej je specializovaná funkce navržená tak, aby zvýšila viditelnost vašich inzerátů na Auctionit. Vybráním této možnosti se změní pozadí vašeho inzerátu ve výsledcích vyhledávání a na stránkách pro procházení, čímž se vizuálně odliší od… Read More
  • Co je to možnost “Udělejte tučně” na stránce Prodat položku?
    Možnost “Udělejte tučně” na stránce “Prodat položku” je výrazná funkce navržená tak, aby zvýšila viditelnost vašich inzerátů na Auctionit. Vybráním této možnosti se název vaší položky zobrazí tučným písmem na stránkách kategorií a ve výsledcích vyhledávání. Tato strategická vylepšení slouží… Read More
  • Co znamená možnost “Zvýraznit” na stránce prodeje položky?
    Možnost “Zvýraznit” na stránce “Prodat položku” je účinný nástroj navržený tak, aby vašim inzerátům poskytl výrazné zvýšení viditelnosti na Auctionit. Když si vyberete možnost zvýraznění vaší nabídky, umístí se do speciální rotace pro zobrazení na úvodní stránce. Toto strategické umístění… Read More


  • What Items Are prohibited on Auctionit?
    At, we strive to maintain a safe and trustworthy marketplace for all our users. To ensure compliance with our policies and regulations, we have implemented a list of prohibited items that cannot be listed or sold on our platform.… Read More
  • What Language should i write my Listings in? is an innovative ecommerce platform that revolutionizes the way individuals buy and sell products online. Designed to provide a seamless experience for users around the world, offers a wide range of features and benefits that make it a… Read More
  • Can i have more than one account?
    Yes of course you can. You are free to have several under the following conditions. There is a maximum of 5 accounts Signing up for new accounts to avoid fees will get all accounts blocked. If the net value of… Read More
  • Item Conditions
    When listing items you can select from a variety of product conditions to help a buyer understand the general condition of the item. New : Brand new in a box or original retail packaging and or tags. New no Tags:… Read More
  • Site Fees
    Want to see how much it will cost to buy and sell on ? The table below gives a transparent view of our fees, i think you will see we have one of the best value (if not the… Read More

Sources of stock

  • Ebooks with re-seller Rights
    Auction it likes to help its sellers out, we do this by publishing a public list of wholesalers, drop-shippers and providers. These are a great starting point but its important to also find your own sources, as if all our… Read More
  • Public Domain Movie footage
    Auction it likes to help its sellers out, we do this by publishing a public list of wholesalers, drop-shippers and providers. These are a great starting point but its important to also find your own sources, as if all our… Read More